Monday, February 21, 2011

Columbia River - Hayden Island - Oct 3, 2010

Flow: typical river flow
Weather: cool and overcast
People/Boats: Chris in Kestral, Jeremy in canoe
Distance: about 12 miles

We went out to take a loop around Hayden Island, and had a heck of a time finding a public place to put in. Stopped in at Alder Creek to ask for directions, and they were kind enough to let us use their dock, so long as we were back before they locked up. Nice folks there, good selection of equipment too.

Started out on the Oregon side of the channel, and headed downstream through the large number of houseboats and pleasure boats moored in the channel. As you approach the downstream side of the island, it gets less developed, and you start to feel more like you are on a river instead of paddling through a city. Headed upstream on the Washington side, and managed to catch a very nice wave from a passing tug. The long shallow shelf allowed it to build and crest evenly, and Jeremy pulled off about a 50ft surf on it. Also came across the LCI-713, one of two infantry landing craft of it's class from WW2. It is presently being refurbished in the channel.

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